School of Business Administration

Where Success Soars: 76% of students had jobs at graduation. 96% had jobs/grad school 6 mo after graduation.*

College of Professions
Chan Shun Hall
4185 E. Campus Circle Dr.
(269) 471-3632

Engaged Learners. World Changers. We are SBA

 We are an engaged, values-based community of learners preparing students to transform their workplace..

Accelerate your future!

Hold onto your seat, 因为我们即将揭开bet365中文大学正在酝酿的成功秘诀 School of Business Administration! Picture this: a dynamic blend of top-notch faculty, cutting-edge curriculum, and an electrifying campus atmosphere that will leave you awestruck. Whether you want to conquer the business world or unleash your entrepreneurial superpowers, studying at the SBA is like strapping a rocket to your career aspirations. So why settle for ordinary when you can embark on a mind-blowing journey with us? Get ready to unleash your inner business maverick, create memories that will make your future self do a happy dance, and experience a level of education that will leave you shouting, "I made the right choice, baby!" Andrews University's School of Business Administration: where dreams become reality, laughter echoes through the halls, and success is served with a side of awesome sauce.


Embrace the Diversity Extravaganza

Hold onto your hats, folks, 因为bet365中文大学不仅仅是一所普通的大学——它是一所多元化的光荣庆典,会让你瞠目结舌! 根据著名的《bet365中文》,我们有一些消息会让你大吃一惊, we are ranked numero uno in ethnic diversity! Can you believe it? We've got more flavors than an ice cream parlor on a scorching summer day.

At Andrews University, we take inclusivity seriously. Our campus is a vibrant mosaic of cultures, backgrounds, 和令人兴奋的观点,将扩大你的视野比你能说的“全球公民”更快." We're not just talking about sprinkling a few token flags here and there; we're talking about creating a welcoming environment where everyone—yes, everyone—feels like they've just walked into a big, warm, accepting hug.

This recognition from the US News and World Report isn't just some fancy trophy to dust off on the shelf. It's a badge of honor that shouts, "Hey world, look at us! We're paving the way for a future where diversity isn't just celebrated; it's the beating heart of everything we do!" We believe that true innovation, mind-blowing breakthroughs, and mind-expanding conversations come from bringing together a dazzling mix of perspectives.

Why Study With Us


工商管理学士(BBA)是一个本科学位课程,为学生提供对商业概念的广泛理解. 它旨在为学生提供在商业世界中取得成功所需的技能和知识. The BBA curriculum typically includes courses in accounting, finance, information systems, international business, marketing,  and management. 它还为学生提供了专门研究人力资源等特定领域的机会, information systems, or international business. 

Graduate Programs

商业研究生课程是一个很好的方式来推进你的职业生涯,并获得在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中取得成功所需的技能和知识. With a wide variety of courses, concentrations, and specializations available, 这些课程可以帮助你培养成为一名成功的商业专业人士所需的技能. From financial management to marketing strategies, 这些课程的毕业生将能够了解企业如何运作以及如何使其盈利. With the right education, graduates will be prepared for a successful career in any field of business. offers a wide range of content including SBA news, insightful business articles, engaging Life@SBA stories, SBA Calendar, and a convenient online shop.


The SBA's project-driven approach creates impactful initiatives that drive industry advancements, foster social innovation, and promote sustainability.

Our students, faculty, and staff actively engage in community building, devising innovative solutions, and providing assistance to low-income communities.

bet365中文大学商学院的商业课程获得了位于Lenexa市Strang Line Road 11374号的国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE)的专业认证, Kansas, USA.

Get Involved

商务俱乐部提供了宝贵的交流机会和专业发展的平台, exchange ideas, collaborate, and foster connections within specific industries or fields.

iHub是一个充满活力的企业孵化器,提供3D打印机等尖端资源, meeting spaces, and maker rooms to foster innovation and entrepreneurial growth.


Getting involved with research provides a valuable opportunity to explore new knowledge, contribute to meaningful discoveries, and develop critical thinking skills.

参加一个发人深省的系列讲座提供了一个扩展知识的独特机会, challenge existing beliefs, and stimulate intellectual growth.


Expand your global perspective, enhance cultural understanding, and gain practical experience in a diverse and immersive learning environment.

Connect with employers and access  a diverse range of opportunities, enhancing your chances of finding career.

9 out or 10 students get jobs within the first year 

令人印象深刻的是,10个工商管理学士学位毕业生中有9个在第一年就找到了工作. 这一统计数据凸显了获得工商管理硕士学位所带来的强劲的职业前景和高就业率. 这表明通过课程获得的技能和知识为毕业生就业做好了准备, increasing their chances of finding employment promptly after completing their studies.

Stay Connected

准备好迎接SBA真正的超级英雄吧——那些神奇地保持齿轮转动的教职员工! 这些不可思议的人是保持我们机构像爵士萨克斯管独奏一样顺利运行的秘密武器. 

Meeting our students is like unlocking a secret treasure trove of wit, creativity, 还有传染性的热情——准备好迎接一次难忘的经历吧,它可能会重新定义你对乐趣的定义!


Why do your want to know about the board of trustees? Because they suspect they're secretly controlling the supply of free pizza on campus!

深入了解文章和行业见解的宝库,探索不断发展的现代商业环境如何应对新技术的出现, societal shifts, and political dynamics.

寻找一个一站式的目的地,发现工商管理学院的最新热点? Look no further than, your ultimate source for all the thrilling happenings!


Our students are changing the world...

In a world of rapid and constant change, you can depend on our graduates not just adapt, but thrive and succeed in our field. This is just a small sample where you can find our graduates changing our world.

The Power of Business Education

In today's fast-paced, globally interconnected world, 商学学位不仅仅是找到工作的途径——它是理解和影响商业脉搏的门户, technology, and societal trends. Business education offers a broad curriculum and an array of specialties, including Accounting, Finance, International Business, Information Systems, Management, and Marketing. Each of these fields has its unique benefits and career prospects. 让我们深入研究一下你应该考虑在这些商业专业中获得学位的原因.

这些商业专业的广泛课程培养了学生解决问题的能力, decision-making capabilities, and understanding of global affairs—traits that are not just valuable, but crucial in the modern, dynamic business world. Moreover, these degrees offer adaptability and can often lead to cross-functional career paths, helping you build a diverse and resilient career portfolio. Hence, a business degree can be a substantial investment in your future.

*Bureau of Labor Statistics. (n.d.). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Business and Financial Occupations. Retrieved from

*Quick Facts:

Degree Job Outlook 2021 Median Pay Education Level
Accounting Accountants and Auditors 6% (As fast as average) $77,250 per year Bachelor's
Finance Financial Analysts 9% (Faster than average) $95,570 per year Bachelor's
Information Systems Information Systems Managers 16% (Much faster than average) $159,010 per year Bachelor's
Management Management Analysts 11% (Much faster than average) $93,000 per year Bachelor's
Marketing Marketing Managers 13% (Much faster than average) $133,380 per year Bachelor's


Still not convinced?

Hold up, hold up! 你真的还在对我们那些令人兴奋的课程以及它们如何能把你变成一个势不可挡的商业专业人士持观望态度吗? Well, fear not! Reach out to us ASAP, 准备好让你的袜子被打掉吧,因为我们将进入一场会点燃你才华的谈话! We can't wait to connect with you and unleash your true potential! Trust us, it's gonna be EPIC!

Oh, and if you prefer the nostalgic charm of snail mail, you can certainly take that delightful route as well! Send your inquiries to the majestic address below, where greatness awaits:

4185 E. Campus Circle Dr.
Andrews University
Berrien Springs, MI 49104

Feeling more inclined to let your voice be heard? Then pick up that trusty telephone of yours and dial (269) 471-3632! Alternatively, if the rhythmic tapping of keys is your preferred mode of communication, send us an electrifying email at

Prepare yourself for an adventure of a lifetime, dear friend, as we embark on a journey to unleash your true potential!


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